On this week's episode of the Creator Catalyst Podcast, I'm going to share all about how I've been getting through, SCRATCH THAT, how I've been THRIVING through the pandemic in both business and my personal life!
Covid-19 has thrown us for a loop. Everything is rescheduled, we're staying inside and wearing masks and gloves when we finally get out...everything is not what we expected 2020 to be! And, while these changes can be a little disappointing, they also present new opportunities we never expected, as well!
Just a few months ago I was thinking of how nice it would be to have a few slow months to get my business in order and have a bit of a break and...here it is! So, I've tried to take full advantage of this extra time to build my business from the back end and (of course) get caught up on some binge-worthy Netflix shows!
So, are you wondering now what I've been up to? I'll tell ya!
What I'm doing to strengthen and grow my business during the pandemic:
1. Asking For Reviews: Word of mouth is HUGE, right!? Well, reviews are the perfect way to get clients that already love you to tell potential clients why they should love you, too! Simple, right!? Just reach out individually to past clients, or share on social media that reviews would mean the world to you right now. They'll be happy to help!
2. Creating New Resources for Clients: Now is the perfect time to improve and perfect the client experience you offer. Resources to help or educate clients allow you to answer questions before they're even asked! Everyone loves working with someone who can anticipate their every need. I've been working on new pricing guides, info on what to wear to sessions, etc!
3. Trying New Marketing Avenues: It's never a bad idea to branch out and text new marketing avenues! It's important to always be adapting to changing times, and there are so many marketing tactics to explore! I've been trying new marketing websites, running different types of promotions, and solidifying my referral program.
4. Blogging: I've said it once and I'll say it again: blogging is key to so many things in your business. It helps with your SEO, allows you to showcase most recent work, and allows clients to get to know you better! Slow seasons are the perfect opportunity to write to your hearts content.
5. Trying new types of content: It's important to keep your creative spark alive, even when you may not currently being paid to create quite as much! I've recently branched and learned video and I'm obsessed! It's so fun and refreshing to try something new.
What I've been up to in my personal life:
You better believe I'm sitting down with some ice cream and watching an episode or two of my favorite shows or reading a book with my husband when the work is done for the day!
Shows We're Loving:
1. Brooklyn Nine-Nine (hulu): With things in the world as heavy as they are, we all need something light, fun, and truly entertaining to watch! My husband and I have been completely hooked on Brooklyn Nine-Nine and I'm sure you'll love it, too!
2. Sons Of Liberty (hulu): If you love history (and maybe even if you don't) this show is for YOU! It tells the story of how the events came together leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence and it is so inspiring. It's so well done and such a great reminder of the incredible sacrifices that made this nation!
3. Next In Fashion (netflix): If you're a total fashion junkie like me, you're going to die of happiness watching this show. Similar to Project Runway...but I liked it better!
Books I’m Reading:
The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes (he also has a podcast that’s great): Lewis has great insight and this book is a fairly easy read when it comes to entrepreneurship/business books. Definitely worth trying out, and you'll love his podcast as well!
Pride and Prejudice: I made a goal at the beginning of the year to read more classics and the quarantine has not stopped me! Pride and Prejudice is such a fun escape.
Beginner’s Pluck by Liz Forkin Bohannon : This is at the top of my list. Honestly one of the best books I've ever read, you guys! Liz is the founder of Sseko Designs, which is an ethical fashion brand that creates community and opportunity for women across the world. She met and fell totally in love with women in East Africa, and knew she had to do something to help them reach their full potential. Her story is entertaining, hilarious, insightful, inspiring, and AMAZING. You'll love this one.
Other resources I’m loving:
Corepower yoga: Having the gyms closed has made me rethink my exercise routine...and heaven knows we all need a little more meditation and relaxation right about now! Corepower Yoga has been an awesome source for exactly that. They've been posting free weekly flows and meditations on their Instagram feed for you to keep up your practice (or just get started!) https://www.instagram.com/corepoweryoga/
Some Good News with John Krasinski: Did you looooove watching the office? Was Jim one of your favorite characters? Same. I've always been a huge fan of Jon Krasinski and I looooove what he's been up to during the pandemic! He took the extra time at home as an opportunity to start a little news network all about spreading the good and it's amazing. So heartwarming and altogether just an amazing creation that stemmed from the craziness. I love it. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=some+good+news
Jamie Beck on Instagram: Jamie is a RIDICULOUSLY talented photographer who moved from Manhattan to Provence, France and decided to stay. Her art is INSANE. She takes photos that look like paintings and is a Photoshop genius. I have always loved watching her process (she shows step-by-step of each image she creates in her Instagram stories). She’s been doing a #isolationcreation every day and highlighting others that do the same and it’s been so inspiring and amazing! Check her out right now and thank me later: https://www.instagram.com/jamiebeck.co/